Does Your Office Still Use A Whiteboard During Meetings?

Do you still use an ‘old school’ whiteboard in your sales meetings? Gone are the days where you would have to write down the goals and KPI’s during meetings. All of the information that is required can be displayed straight from your laptop to a TV mounted to the office wall, which will be a game changer for your meetings.

Only recently, Michael from Jim’s Antennas & Jim’s Security South Morang, installed a 60 inch TV for a Ray White branch. They used to have a white board to write up all their sales figures and targets.
The new 60 inch was set up to allow them to cast an excel spreadsheet to it, so that the information is always fresh and up to date.

If you are still considering whether to purchase a TV for your office meetings, here is another reason why you should. TV’s can also be used as white noise in the background or during team building, especially when the Olympics or Melbourne Cup is on. They can allow your office to bond and stay in touch with events that are happening during the week.

But, it’s not just installing and mounting TVs, that Jim’s Antennas can help you with. If your office is having issues with internet or WiFi, our team can fix it. Your technician will test the speed and strength of your internet and WiFi, as well as recommending and implementing a solution tailored to the specific requirements of your business.

So, whether you would like to have a TV mounted in your office or need help with your WiFi, call 131 546 or book here, to arrange your free onsite, no obligation quote.

To request a quote or booking, please click the button below to fill out the form below and your local franchisee will be in touch with you shortly.

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Why does an antenna decide to stop working during the crucial ending of your favourite TV show, or during an exciting game? Call it ”Murphys Law” if you will; but one thing we do know is that it is so frustrating, but thankfully it can be fixed. In some cases, it could be a simple […]

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