Customer Testimonials

Serviced by Lee – South Melbourne, VIC Lee fixed our surround sound system. He was great to work with. Would have him back in a heart beat. Drew – Prahran, VIC

Serviced by Martin – Normanhurst, NSW We contracted Martin Vedris to install a new digital antenna as well as add a new coaxial point for Foxtel. We greatly appreciated his hard work, persistence with a challenging install and friendly yet professional attitude. Subsequent to the installation he provided a detailed diagram and instructions for our […]

Serviced by Terry – Mt. Gambier, SA Hi Terry Just a little update, since you carried out the redesign and repairs to our TV system we have not had a single problem 100% good – excellent. Many thanks, Beth & Noel Kolpin

Serviced by Peter – Plympton, SA Hello – we had a lovely visit from Peter on 28.7 who went above and beyond at our business (Total Back Care) in Malvern – and we are enjoying the Olympics we can now get. Anne, Malvern SA

Serviced by Peter – East Launceston, TAS I must say that Peter was excellent in his assistance to me and is to be highly recommended. Very helpful tradesman!! Heather, Newnham TAS

Serviced by Brett – Northcote, VIC I was absolutely thrilled with the service and will recommend Brett if I have the opportunity. Meredith, South Yarra

Serviced by Leigh – South Melbourne, VIC Leigh from South Melbourne antennas – great work, thank you for being so honest, so efficient and just getting the job done with no hassle! Great service- recommend him to everyone! Thank you again Praz, South Melbourne

Serviced by Peter, Kirwan QLD Peter provided very good service and also helped deal with a few other issues with our products. Would recommend to anyone looking for support with wall mounting set up. Ryan, Kirwan QLD