Make Australia Great – Mount Your TV!

Make Australia Great and Mount your TV

In 2019 Australia was the 14th largest economy in the world, with the services sector accounting for 75% of all employment. If we increase our GDP by more than $20 Billion in 2020 we will overtake Spain as the 13th biggest economy. How do we as a nation accomplish this you ask? By wall mounting TV’s, and I’ll explain how.

Forget agriculture, mining and resources. Jim’s Antennas is an Australian franchise operating in the service sector and therefore on the forefront of leading this country into great things.

There are around 10 million private dwellings in Australia (according to the 2016 Census) and at least a further 5 million commercial properties. Rumour has it there are actually a total of 20 million buildings in Australia, which is almost one for every inhabitant. If we conservatively stick with 5 million commercial properties made up of schools, retirement villages, hotels, motels, pubs, clubs, servos and retailers we can determine the following estimate. Given that we can supply and install a TV bracket to wall mount your TV starting from $250.

If each private dwelling wall mounts one TV: 10 million x $250 = $2.5B

If 5 million commercial properties mount 15 TV’s each on average (considering most venues have considerable more): 5 million x $250 x 15 = $18.75B

TOTAL – $21.25B (aka 13th position).

Wall mounting a TV can be tricky and in the true Australian spirit you should give it a crack, however here are a few tips to consider. Make sure you pick the correct bracket for your needs and your TV. Do you want a simple fixed bracket or one that you can swing around so that you have perfect viewage (definitely a word) while knocking back an amber watching the cricket in the pool? While there are standard bracket mounting configurations for TV’s some are different. Check your brand whether it be Sony, Panasonic, Samsung or other for typical mounting patterns. Also LCD, LED, OLED, etc can have different mounting provisions.

So you have your bracket you have your TV now how are you going to stick this thing to the wall so it doesn’t fall down and take out one of the kids. You need to find a stud (not talking about you – you handsome devil!), if there are no studs around find a solid structure to mount to like a wall frame, concrete wall or suitable fixing structure. Spend the time to get your bracket level, Post Malone might party on tilt but your TV will look shocking if it is.

Next problem, bloody cables. No one likes seeing cables and there’s not much point mounting on the wall if you’re seeing cables anyway. At a minimum you need to run one HDMI, one Optic and a Co-axial cable in the wall and don’t forget about power for the TV. There are a number of ways this can be done depending on the situation, however the DIY method would be to head to Bunnings and grab some ducting and throw all the cables in it down to your devices, PlayStation, DVD, Audio Receiver, etc.

Alright, so why do we need to mount these babysitting, sports watching devices to the wall anyway? Firstly, it looks good, even if you’re in a rental and (provided you obtain permission) it’s and added value to the property so long as the bracket and hardware remains. It also gives you space to display your Coles collectables, prized ‘pool room object’ or favourite family photo while giving you that little extra viewing distance. Which means you can get a bigger TV for the space. The last reason is what I call the terrible two effect or TTE. This is the age our beloved offspring’s become super mobile and parents have to start locking down every draw and cupboard in the house, mounting your TV will place your prized 60-inch Wiggles cinema out of reach.

Make 2020 the year you support the ‘Make Australia Great and Mount your TV’ campaign.  Let’s take control of this country and get busy mounting. TV’s that is 😊.

If you want to Make Australia Great, or just make room for those coles collectables why not give your local Jim’s Antennas Technician a buzz on 131546 or if you’re computer savvy – you can book online 24/7

We won’t guarantee he’ll be a stud either – but we can 100% guarantee you’ll be over the moon with the end result.

To request a quote or booking, please click the button below to fill out the form below and your local franchisee will be in touch with you shortly.

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